Nonfiction Research

American Public Life 

Nonfiction Research spent the last 12 months exploring the increasingly prevalent behavior of "public snapping" and strangely hostile behavior between Americans in everyday public life.

Our research led us to interview some of the most infamous public snappers in America -- across a range of very real consequences like being covered in the news, losing a job, being arrested, or banned from a public place.
We talked to those who live on the front lines of the American public -- doormen, sex workers, ticket takers, train performers, and Central Park bubble makers.

We consulted with experts who study society & conflict for a living, including "The Anger Professor" (Dr. Ryan Martin) and other helpful voices.

And then, we rounded it out with one of the largest nationwide studies done outside of the US Census.

Written by Ben Zeidler
Produced by Hayley Buchholz